My name is Ina Mieras.
Painting is my greatest hobby.
Regularly I sell one of my paintings. I compare painting with travelling, always in search of new horizonts. What intriges me particularly is the totality that is required in the proces of making a painting. The choosing of materials, colors and composition, the experiment with different technics.

The painting has to tell me something, what not means that the spectator has to see in the painting the same as I do. Just when there occurs a difference of views, a meeting will    between painting,  painter and viewer.


Although I have objectivated my artistic feelings in poetry, short stories, pencil drawings and oil paintings my whole life, since 1996 the art of painting became

one of my greatest passions in life.


Concerning my artistic style I have followed the route from realism through figurism to abstractism.

Since 2003 I am a member of the management as well as teacher aquarel, acryl and oilpainting of “Collage Artcenter” in Hoevelaken, a little town near Utrecht.

When you have interest in one of my paintings, the Galleries only show a selection of my works, you are welcome to contact me. 

In the end I wish you as much pleasure watching my paintings as I had making them.

Op de teksten en foto’s van deze website is het auteursrecht van de kunstenaar van toepassing. Het is evenwel toegestaan deze zonder toestemming van de autheur te plaatsen op de eigen website of in een ander medium, zolang het overnemen op incidentele basis geschiedt en onder de nadrukkelijke voorwaarde van bronvermelding.